Friday, May 16, 2008

Hospice came today

The folks from hospice came today. The woman who came to do the intake was a gal I went to high school with. She filled out all the paperwork and got us set up. Around 5 p.m. the nurse came to do an evaluation. She’s not the nurse who will come regularly but she does the evaluations. And she showed me several things I can do to make Mom more comfortable.

Not knowing about these things, I learned today that if someone in Mom’s condition lies on one position long enough it can cause bed sores in all kinds of places. Her skin is very thin and dry and just the heel resting on the sheet had rubbed a sore on both feet. I was sick. I keep her in socks to keep her feet and legs warm and I hadn’t thought to take them off this week and examine her feet. And she apparently does not feel any pain.

She had a spot on her rump from overnight wetness. It happened the second or third night because I didn’t want to wake her as she was sleeping so soundly. I should have. I couldn’t figure out how to keep her off of it because no matter what I did she rolled back over on her back. The nurse showed me how to roll her up on her bed pad and put a pillow under her and ease her back onto it so that one side is propped up a bit. It looked easy when she did it. It wasn’t too bad when I did it the first time. But when I changed her diaper pad I had to move her all the way over and she moaned a bit as I brought her back.

She soon settled back and is asleep again. She doesn’t respond at all now. This morning she responded when I said good morning but that’s the last word I’ve heard. I wonder if I will ever hear her say anything again. Just a few days ago, I lay down beside her and put my head over close to her and she stroked my hair. I was upset because she wouldn’t eat for me. She tried to comfort me. Still Mom. But no more.

I never did get my bath today. Heck, I didn’t even get to brush my teeth. I was up late, checking on her. When she appeared to be sleeping soundly, I finally collapsed in my chair and that was after 2 a.m. I was awake at 5 a.m. and checked on her. When I went back to sleep I slept like a log. The phone woke me this morning and I got up at quarter ‘til nine but I was in a fog. However, the phone kept ringing so I just fell into my usual routine. Start coffee, change Mom, try to get her to take water. She didn’t want that either and now I know I should not try.

I think I will brush my teeth, at least, and try to get some rest now. Emma wants me to go to bed so she can curl up with me. I know she is an unusually affectionate cat but I think she senses that I need her comfort. She spent much of last night sacked out on my chest with her head up under my jaw. She must understand that Mom needs comfort, too. She gets on the bed with Mom for afternoon naps most days and today she went into Mom’s room with me each time I did and even accompanied the nurses. I guess she thinks she needs to supervise.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Still hear and listening. praying for you both.